AWANA Clubs for Kids
In addition to our great Sunday morning Kids Church and Sunday School, our kids also meet on Wednesday nights during the school year from 6:30-8:00 for a night of high energy fun Bible learning.
One Way Student Ministries
Our Youth group is for students in 7th - 12th Grades. They meet all year long on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 in the youth room. They also meet Sunday mornings for Donuts & Discipleship at 9:30.
Fuse College & Career Ministry
Our young adults ministry is on fire with college, and just out of college young adults who get together to study the Bible, sip some coffee, and do ministry together.
Food Bank Ministry
Our food bank feeds people in our community on the last Saturday of every month. Families are welcome to come in and receive food and prayer any time from 8:00-10:00a.m.
Ignite Men's Ministry
The men meet on the first Saturday of every month for a breakfast devotional at 8:00. The men volunteer around the church, raise money for the youth camps, and go on mission trips.
Glow Women's Ministry
The women of the church also gather on the first Saturday of the month right after the men at 9:00. The ladies have a lot of fun and also care for college students, sick, and those in need.